GeorgeTown Conversations


GIOAS aims to bring international renowned experts to share their perspectives and experience on a wide range of issues that are of concern to the world and Malaysia. Since January 2019, we attempt to bring people together to meet, network and share ideas through public conferences held at Homestead, the head-office campus of Wawasan Open University in Penang, Malaysia.

GeorgeTown Conversations ~ International Trade in Time of Crisis: Dr. Patrick Low

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Dr. Patrick Low, former Chief Economist of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Fellow, Asia Global Institute, University of Hong Kong.

How has COVID changed trade patterns? What is the impact of US-China trade conflicts on global supply chains? What is the future of WTO and the multilateral trade regime? Dr. Low will explain how services and technology, including new ideas such a tech platform for excess capacity exchange, could be game changers for the post-Covid trade.

*Disclaimer: The views expressed are wholly those of the speaker.

Wawasan Open University
George Town Institute of Open and Advanced
Studies (GIOAS)

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Penang, Malaysia 10050