Past Event

Course Launching: Psychological First Aid

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GIOAS | Open Conversation Georgetown | Open Dialogues Georgetown | Global Dialogue Georgetown | Technology Dialogue Georgetown
Date: 6 August 2021 (Friday)
Time: 11.00 am - 12.30 pm
Platform: Zoom & FB Live
Course Launching: Psychological First Aid

A State Government-led initiative to push for nationwide training of community members in psychological first aid to help people deal with mental distress.

YB Yeoh Soon Hin, Penang State EXCO for Tourism and Creative Economy for the launching.

This invitation is open to all persons interested in knowing more about Psychological First Aid. It is not limited to medical professionals or emergency workers.

This is a collaborative effort between the Penang State Government, StudyPENANG, Wawasan Open University and the International College of Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioners. It is part of our corporate social responsibility to address the high number of suicides in Malaysia, whereby the police recorded 468 suicides in just the first five months of 2021. There are many more unreported suicides.


Please register here or scan the QR code.

A confirmation email will be sent to you once your registration is processed. For enquiries, please contact Zubaydah Binti Zamri (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Wawasan Open University
George Town Institute of Open and Advanced
Studies (GIOAS)

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